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Event Accommodations
For Attendees
UMass Boston is committed to providing access for people with disabilities to all events and programs sponsored by the university.
For any event held at the UMass Boston campus, the organization that is hosting the event is fully responsible for providing accessibility-related accommodations for the students, employees, and/or guests attending the event. If you have any ADA or accessibility-related questions or accommodation requests, please contact the organization that is hosting the event.
For information on getting to campus or parking on campus see our Visitor Resources page. Accessible parking is available in all public campus parking lots for vehicles with official state disability plates or placards. People with disabilities who park in accessible parking spots are assessed the same fee to park as other drivers.
To help plan your route on campus review our interactive map or walking map showing all pedestrian walkways throughout campus and the location of each campus building. All public campus buildings have accessible entrances.
Please note that the university does not provide wheelchairs, scooters, or other mobility devices.
For Event Organizers
All event announcements should include a disability access statement identifying how individuals with disabilities can get more information about an event and request accommodations. Posters, flyers, social media posts, campus digital signage, and email announcements must include our University Disability Statement: “Anyone requiring disability related accommodations, including dietary accommodations, should contact [insert email contact of event planner]”
Here are some additional resources to assist you in planning an inclusive and accessible event.
- The UMass President’s office has created a useful toolkit including tips for planning and hosting an inclusive event or presentation.
- Event Services can provide information about the physical accessibility and features of all campus rooms and event spaces. Event services can also provide information about stage ramps and accessible room layouts.
- Classroom IT Services can provide information about video captioning, assisted listening devices, and amplified sound options.
- Dining Services can assist event organizers in ordering food that avoids common allergens.
- Designated accessible parking spaces are available in each campus parking lot. Accessible parking spaces require displaying a state issued HP license plate or placard.
The campus ADA Coordinator can provide training and assistance on responding to ADA event accommodation requests or planning inclusive events.
Office of Civil Rights & Title IX
Office of Civil Rights and Title IX
Quinn Administration Building, 3rd Floor
Office Phone: 617.287.7391
Email: CivilRights.TitleIX@tsunoi-toso.com